Size:19″L x 18″D x 23″H
General Description
Solid kiln dried wood construction with plywood drawer boxes.
Raw material
Drawer Table will be constructed with Solid Yellow Pine “Furniture Grade lumber” kiln dried to a
specific humidity of not more than 15% and plywood.
Construction of ends
Ends will be constructed with 2 ply 1” x 4” and 1” x 6” boards laminated. Panels are glued and
nailed with 1 1⁄4” nails then clamped in hydraulic presses. The hydraulic presses generate 90,000
psi bonding the ply’s of the panels together with 10 – 180 psi. Panels that are not put together with
hydraulic presses and the above specifications are not acceptable. Edges will be routed and sand-
ed for a smooth surface and to eliminate sharp edges.
Construction of top
Top panel will be 2-ply with bottom ply 1” x 6” boards and top ply 1” x 4” boards framing a 3⁄4” thick
7-ply Pine face plywood insert. Insert will be secured with 1-1/4” nails and glue. Edges will be rout-
ed and sanded for a smooth finish surface and to eliminate sharp edges.
Construction of drawers
Drawer boxes will have four sides and will be constructed of 12mm 9-ply Birch glued and stapled.
Drawer back has a 3/8” lip extending beyond the top of the sides which functions as a built-in draw-
er stop. Drawer boxes will slide on solid wood runners attached to end panels
Drawer bottom will be 3/16” Meranti plywood inserted into grooves machined into drawer front,
back and sides.